General Commands

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List of miscellaneous and random commands.

Command Description Example
about Basic information about Slynx. s?about
support Get the invite link for Slynx's support server. s?support
invite Get the invite link for Slynx. s?invite
prefix View server's prefixes. s?prefix
prefix server Add, remove or reset your server's prefixes. s?prefix server add
s?prefix server remove
s?prefix server reset
prefix server add Add a custom prefix to the list of server prefixes. s?prefix server add >
prefix server remove Remove a prefix from the list of server prefixes. s?prefix server remove >
prefix server reset Reset all the prefixes for your srever. s?prefix server reset
vote Vote for Slynx on website. s?vote
s?vote subcommand
vote reminder Enable or disable the reminder, if enabled bot reminds users every 12 hours to vote for the bot. s?vote reminder
vote time View the time left before you can vote again. s?vote time
votes View the amount of times you or other user has voted for the bot. s?votes
s?votes @user
antiscam Antiscam roles base command. s?antiscam
antiscam toggle Turn antiscam on or off. s?antiscam toggle
antiscam log_channel Set a log channel for antiscam. s?antiscam log_channel
antiscam mode Set mode for antiscam punishments. `-1` -> Deletes messages. `0` -> Deletes messages and bans sender. `1 day` -> Deletes messages and times out for 1 day ***(time can be from 1 second to 28 days)*** s?antiscam mode
antiscam stats Show stats on antiscam. s?antiscam stats
antiscam blacklist List and manage custom domains blacklist. s?antiscam blacklist
s?antiscam blacklist
s?antiscam blacklist
color Color roles base command. s?color
color pointer s?color pointer
s?color pointer 🎨
color mode Toggle between `contains` and `startswith` modes. s?color mode
color list Show a list of color roles. s?color list
color set Set a color role for yourself. s?color set 3
s?color set 7
boosters View all the users boosting a server. s?boosters
messages View message count for a user. s?messages
s?messages @Discord#0001
convert_time Converts seconds into time strings and vice versa. s?ct 1 minute
s?ct 60
join_info In depth info about users' join. s?join_info
s?join_info @User
join_info_list Lists all users who've joined within a defined time. s?join_info_list 10 minutes
s?join_info_list 1 year 10 min
mass_unban Unbans all banned users in a server. s?mass_unban
member_screening_settings Manage your Member Screening Settings. You can't have auto roles as they cancel membership screening. s?member_screening_settings
member_screening_settings roles Manage roles to be given when people accept Member Screening. s?mss roles
member_screening_settings roles list List roles to be given when people accept Member Screening. s?mss roles list
member_screening_settings roles add Add roles to be given when people accept Member Screening. s?mss roles add @Users @Accepted Rules
member_screening_settings roles remove Remove roles from being given when people accept Member Screening. s?mss roles remove @Users @Accepted Rules
member_screening_settings logging Set a channel to log members verified with Member Screening. s?mss logging
reportbug Report a bug to the developers of the bot. s?reportbug info about the bug goes here.
ping Check bot's ping. s?ping